The Next Steps to Take After Your Identity Has Been Stolen

securityOriginal post authored by Assured Neace Lukens and shared with their permission.  In our first blog on identity theft, we discussed the first steps you should take after your identity has been stolen. Once you have reported the theft to the proper authorities and contacted your insurance agent, the next course of action is repairing the damage.

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Working Smoke Alarms Save Lives

home fire facts

Man changing the 9 volt battery in a round white ceiling smoke alarm detector for fire safety.

Did you know roughly half of home fire deaths result from fires that occur when most people are asleep – between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.? Smoke spreads quickly, and you need smoke alarms to give you time to get out. In fact, having a working smoke alarm cuts the chances of dying in a reported fire […]

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Fire Prevention Tips For Your Home

fire prevention

Illustration of a smoke alarm sounding off in a smoky room

Now that fall is in full force and winter is slowly approaching, it is common to spend more time indoors. However, this actually influences the higher number of structural fires in the fall and winter. So, as these days become shorter and the nights colder, here are a few tips to help prevent fires this winter:

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Predicting the Future: Just Another Day For an Actuary


What is an actuary? Trust me, it’s a valid question. When I tell someone I’m an actuary or that I studied actuarial science in college, I often receive an interesting response. Besides the usual spectrum of confused facial expressions, questions like “Is that related to biology?” are not uncommon. Even though Along Came Polly, starring Ben Stiller as an actuary […]

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